I don't believe in any type of astrology wich says : " Look , do this , and you will be happy , and then do that , and your life will change ." Astrology in my view is not there for such reasons , if you come to an astrologer , the main point is to try to understand your situation and then to became , maybe , wiser in your life , working with more consciousness with the archetypes and symbols of your own existence . I'm not speaking from a modern or psychological point of view , and i'm even not speaking from a New Age position . But i even refuse to join the "traditionalist" and "onlytruthastrology" party , i refuse any type of sectarian and exclusivistic worldview , even in astrology , in wich there should be no place for such sad manifestations of prejudices and narrow mindness . If you ask me as astrologer where you can travel for your birth day to change your destiny and be stronger than your stars , then my answer will be : " Stay where you are and try to work on yourself , maybe the most difficult thing in our modern times of spiritual void . You will not change your destiny with a fly ticket , and whoever say you the opposite is a slave of a very low and ridiculous worldview , and all this have nothing to do with a deep understanding of what astrology realy is ." This is my position towards any type of astrology wich make promises to change the life of people or to solve the problems of others . Astrology is first and foremost a Divine Arte and a symbolic tool of knowledge and prediction of general life cycles . Astrology is not a "science" of real and clear predictions , it is an Art of deductive reasoning and some times even of intuitive perception , an Art in wich the person of the astrologer is very important , so much as the technical knowledge of the discipline itself . An astrologer who pretend to resolve the problems of the clients with astrology is a charlatan or a ignorant , and the same think is true for the astrologer who pretend to have the capability of absolute , sure and detailed predictions . With astrology you can see many thinks , IF you are born with the gift of astrological deduction , IF you know many thinks about the client , then you CAN in MANY cases say very important and true things even about the immediate and middle term patterns of an individual situation . Reading th astrological charts is a difficult art , even if many wrongly think that anybody can learn to be an astrologer with a couple of books and some readings to family members and friends . I know that in the modern world there is around a huge business of courses an teaching seminars , and it is even right to be so , because serious and dedicated astrologers must make a living and have to pay their bills , als anybody else in this material world , and astrology is a job and a profession , even if many people tend to don't respect it and don't accept it . Everybody like to have a reading or a lecture for nothing , but this is not right , because there is no free pizza in this world . Teaching astrology on high level is a very good thing , not only for the astrologer and his incomes , but also for the serious students and future professionals with real talent and motivation . This is one side of the coin , the right one , the one of wich has a noble meaning . The other side of the coin is the wrong illusion given sometimes to the general public that everybody can become an astrologer in three days if he/she buy this or that , and that maybe sun sign astrology or computer generated analysis are "true" astrology . So , when we teach , we must give quality and don't look for the quantity of the people to took to the "boat" . The only way to experience real astrolgy of quality is to go to make a consultation with a professional astrologer with experience , an pay him the professional fee for his work and his service , point . It is very simple , but many people try to escape from this solution , because they don't want to pay anything or they want to be their own astrologers , in any case making a consultation is the only right and the most traditional way of acting . If you are a honest person and you honestly like to know about your stars you will go and make an appointment with a real professional astrologer . My approach in making an astrological consultation is an approach wich is foremost spiritual , as astrologer i see myself as a help to give , maybe , some insights and orientations , and i'm not saying that i'm a spiritual master or that people should do what i say to them , absolutly no . We work together to try to understand and to try to gain some deep perception from wich we can always together , client and astrologer , come to a conclusion in wich the advices makes sense and are originated from the astrological charts . Even if i'm not making consultations for the public in this period of my live , after many researching , studying and experience on the field , even with the purely predictive work , i came long time ago to the conclusion that this is the only way in wich i like to make astrology . I like to be an spiritual advisor who use astrological symbolism in his Art .
Roberto Minichini , italian astrologer